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Family Portrait


Children's Ministry

Led by Stephanie May, the CE Children's ministry holds meetings on the first and third Sundays of each month, so that the children can have time in regular services with their parents. Opportunities include Vacation Bible School, holiday plays and recitations, and also quarterly church presentations for special music ministry.

Middle School Ministry

Led by Joe Ford, the CE Middle School group focuses on learning to live in Christian community and to face the transitions of childhood with trust and maturity.  Meets on the first and third Sundays, and other times as needed.  Opportunities include outreach ministries, special events for peers and their families and holiday plays.  They also assist in the morning church services as candlelighters and reading the call to worship.

High School Ministry

Led by Michele Biller, the CE High School group focuses on Christian outreach and life issues by studying scripture.  Guest speakers and special emphasis events are part of the group which meets on the first and third Sundays as well as special meetings.

Weekly Bible Studies

Led by Pastor Scott Budde, these expositional studies follow sola scriptura principles demonstrating the sufficiency of scripture.  Currently, there are three studies: 
9:30am Wed. at the Town and Country Diner in Broadway, VA
7:00pm Thurs. on Facebook Live
10:00am Sun in the Large Meeting area downstairs

Sunday School

Led by Carla Lloyd, the Sunday School program offers group discipleship for everyone in age-based classes.  Catechism class is offered at least once a year to prepare the kids for youth membership status in the church.  The annual picnic is always a hit!

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